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How to Develop Intuition ©  by Rick Nichols

Did you ever wonder why some people seem to have better intuition than others, and how they seem to be able to make decisions quickly and easily? I think it is because they trust and use their intuition a lot. Using our inner guidance is like any other talent, if we don’t trust it, use it, and practice with it, it gets all rusty and is hard to use. If you haven’t trusted your intuition much in the past, start practicing with it on little things. For instance, ask your self, “Does it feel better to read a book, or watch TV?” or “Should I purchase this item or not?”  Do what your intuition guides you towards, rather than what your ego mind is demanding, and then check the outcome to see which was best for you over all. Starting with relatively simple things like this allows us to learn to trust our intuition and begin to use it more often. The speed and quality of your decision making process will improve in direct relation to your intuitive practice.

So, why is it important to keep your inner guidance well oiled and responding quickly?  The following true story will give you at least one good reason, there are of course, many others.

About three years ago on a very rainy afternoon I found myself driving northbound on one of our many freeways here in Southern California. To say “rainy” in this case is a gross understatement; it was more like driving through a waterfall. This particular freeway has unusually steep hills and water was running off in sheets. 

While driving down one of the steeper hills, I felt a little slip from the rear end of the car, and said to my self, “Whoa!  It’s a bit slippery out here today!”  I made a slight adjustment of the steering wheel to correct the slipping – nothing changed. The rear end kept on coming around and eventually passed me on the left!  A most unsettling sight indeed. 

Well, it wasn’t long before I was sliding down the road – backwards – at about 65 miles per hour! Nothing I did to control the car had any effect; it was like a boat with out a rudder. The view through the front windshield revealed only where I had been. What I desperately wanted to know was: Where am I going?  I looked over my left shoulder and through the rear window. I noticed right away that there were no other cars close by to crash into, which was comforting, but I also noticed that I was drifting rapidly towards the curb on the center divider. That was about the time I remembered that I was driving Patricia’s (my sig-other and life partner) Mustang convertible, the top was up, but I wasn’t expecting that to be a lot of help. I would have traded most any thing for a role bar about then, but there are no auto parts stores in that neighborhood. 

About now the situation was looking kind of grim, as you might imagine. I had to face the realization, that this could be the end of my short but glorious visit to this good Earth. And strangely, in that moment, I knew that I had a choice to live or die. That seems odd, I know, but I feel that I was actually given a choice, and interestingly, there was no feeling of judgment about it; if I felt like dying today that was quite all right. On the other hand, if I preferred to live, that would be okay as well. There was never a thought of injury, only of living or dyeing. Along with these two options came first an experience of dyeing, it was really great; a feeling of wonderful freedom and lightness, for an instant I actually felt as though I was suspended in air, kind of like floating. Why, I could almost hear the angles sing! I mean really, I’m not kidding here. It was a very tempting offer I’ll have to admit. You know what I mean? NO MORE BILLS TO PAY, say halleluiah, and cash out all together, free at last!  That was about the time another thought occurred to me: I’ve got things I need to do yet, and besides, Patricia would hunt me down in what ever distant corner of the Universe I might find refuge, and it would be a long, long time before I would hear the end of leaving her to deal with the 7 acre avocado ranch we had just purchased. Next thought?  I think I best stick around for a while. 

In that instant, it happened! All my inner guides, directors and teachers whipped into action at once: one of them yelled, “Get down, Get down!” and all the others took control of my body. I felt my body moving: my hip flipped sideways in the seat, (I was wearing the seat belt, but it was slightly loose), my upper body went down between the front passenger seat and the drivers seat, my arms wrapped and locked themselves around the passenger seat-back and my head was pressed tightly against the back of the passenger seat. The image of the left side of my facial profile may very well be forever embossed in the back of that seat. 

The car hit the curb, spun around, hit the curb again, went airborne, did a snap roll, and hit the ground as my brief case came by and slapped me up side the head. Then we leaped back into the air, did a slow roll and finely came to rest topside down. (Wouldn’t you know it, just like buttered toast when you drop it.) The top collapsed completely and I was trapped there in total darkness. 

Wedged between the two seat backs I mentally scanned my body; near as I could tell everything seemed to be in tact. I heard a voice outside the car, “Buddy, you okay in there?”

 “Considering the circumstances, I’m doing quite well, thank you.” Was my reply, but he didn’t seem to be able to hear me, which made me wonder if I was still alive or not. Eventually I heard sirens, and then voices, and banging on the car as the firemen tried to get to me, Patricia’s pretty little Mustang must be a bit of a mess. I thought. 

By now my eyes had adjusted to the very low light level and I noticed the cell phone lying there beside me. I’m going to need a ride. I thought, so I picked up the phone and pushed the auto dial button for home. Just as the phone began to ring I thought, Oh-o, How am I going to present this? Thinking that Patricia was going to be really upset about her Mustang. Patricia answered: “Hello, this is Patricia.” she sings out in her melodious voice. “Honey, I wrecked your car.” was my casual reply. “Oh my God!” she said, “Are you all-right!?”. “I think so, they should have me out of here pretty soon.” I said, not thinking about the impact that might have on her. “Get you out? Get you out of where? Where are you? Where are you?” she asked. That was about the time a fireman ripped the door off of the car and looked in, “Oh my God!” he exclaimed. That worried me; maybe I was in worse shape than I thought. Then I saw another fireman head pop in to view saying “What!? What is it!?” “Only in California!”, said the first fireman, “This guy’s on the phone!!!!!!!”  “I really appreciate what your doing”, I said, “but could you hold the noise down a bit, I’m trying to get a ride home.” 

The paramedics took me to a hospital where Patricia, my love and light, was already waiting with her warm smile and gentle nurturing touch, what a blessing. Patricia, a wonderful Reiki Master, nurtured me with healing while the doctors hooked me up to a number of contraptions that kept an electronic eye on me. After a couple hours of this I went home with a clean bill of health, virtually unhurt. Patricia and I went to Hawaii two days later and had a marvelous time. 

Sadly, Patricia’s little Mustang didn’t fair so well, it couldn’t be saved, so we had to say goodbye to it. There is some good to that though, and that is that some of the Mustang’s body parts are helping other cars to have a long and healthy life. All is well. 

This is a true story, and in retrospect, a fun one.  But the primary reason for sharing it is to illustrate that when you take the time to be familiar with, and trust your inner guidance you are able to respond instantly any situation. Our inner guides (intuition) always know what to do. We just need to be aware of it, trust it and practice keeping in touch with it.

© 2002 Rick Nichols

Rick Nichols, an expert on Human Potential, is a storyteller, author and international speaker. Rick inspires people to a new level of thinking about who they are, what they've got, and how to more successfully and effectively bring themselves to the world. His programs result in higher self-esteem, improved interpersonal relationships, greater synergy and enhanced creativity.
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